About Database Systems

Relational Database Systems are important part of information technologies. We are using databases a lot of applications and programs. The most important element is performance.

Relational Database Management Systems(RDBMS) basically contain tables, relations between tables, columns and rows. This kind of structures provides availability and durability for systems but causing a little latency. Because when you run a query on db systems, you need a little bit time, there is an execution time. We are using SQL(Structured Querying Language) codes for querying databases. RDBMS queries  run on execution plan. It does not matter even if the DB data is on memory, your response will be delayed for some time.

Several techniques have been developed to prevent this situation. For example: views, indexes, stored procedures etc. They do not work while your data size keeps growing. In this situation, databases should be used more for data storage purposes. You can export your data to a NoSQL database and then query If you want to get any data from database. Because NoSQL databases provide better performance than relational databases.


Why are NoSQL databases faster than SQL databases?

There are not any relations and multiple tables on nosql databases. Therefore nosql databases execute queries quickly according to sql databases. This is the main reason.

There is another reason: Data size is less than according to sql databases.

What are the risks?

SQL databases have more strong management and redundancy. You may be  struggling with replication and backup/restore etc. activities.